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Shipping Information

The following shipping costs will be added to your purchase depending on your location.

And good news - should you purchase over a certain amount depending on your location - we offer free shipping - see more information below!

Shipping within Denmark

  • Shipping Cost: €7,50
  • Free Shipping for purchases over: €50
  • Usual Delivery Time: 24–72 hours

Shipping within Europe - 3 Groupings:

Shipping to Europe 1

  • Shipping Cost: €7,50
  • Free Shipping for purchases over: €50
  • Usual Delivery Time: 3–5 days
  • Countries considered 'Europe 1':
    • Austria
    • Belgium
    • Czech Republic
    • Estonia
    • Finland
    • France
    • Germany
    • Hungary
    • Ireland
    • Latvia
    • Lithuania
    • Luxemburg
    • Netherlands
    • Poland
    • Slovakia
    • Slovenia
    • Sweden

Europe 2

  • Shipping Cost: €9.50
  • Free Shipping for purchases over: €75/ $75
  • Usual Delivery Time: 3–5 days
  • Countries considered 'Europe 2':
    • Bulgaria
    • Greece
    • Italy
    • Norway
    • Portugal
    • Romania
    • Spain

Europe 3

  • Shipping Costs: €15/ $15
  • Free Shipping for purchases over: €95/ $95
  • Usual Delivery Time: 3–5 days
  • Countries considered 'Europe 3':
    • Albania
    • Andorra
    • Belarus
    • Bosnia
    • Croatia
    • Cyprus
    • Gibraltar
    • Iceland
    • Liechtenstein
    • Macedonia
    • Malta
    • Montenegro
    • Serbia
    • Switzerland
    • Ukraine


Shipping to the UK

Due to the new British tax structure on imported goods, we can only ship to the UK for orders over £160. You will receive free shipping should order from our site above this amount. 

If you wish to shop HEVEA products for a lesser amount, we totally get that! You'll find all of our products on Amazon UK.


Shipping to the US & CANADA

  • Shipping Costs:  $29
  • US Only - Free Shipping for purchases over: $75
  • Canada Only - Free Shipping for purchases over: $100
  • Usual Delivery Time: 4-7 days

Most items are also available on Amazon here in the USA and here in Canada.

Shipping to the Rest of World

  • Shipping Costs: Shipping: €45 / $45
  • Free Shipping for purchases over:: €175 /$175
  • Usual Delivery Time: 7 days