"I'm only one person, what does my fingerprint matter?" Said 8 billion people.
We chose to refer to our carbon footprint as our fingerprint, as we trust that every little thing we do and chooses in our lives, is all related back to us as individuals. And what is more personal then our individual fingerprints?

"HEVEA means Rubber tree, named afterthe Hevea brasiliensis species. That'swhy natural rubber is our solution formaking greener fingerprints."
Every individual action counts. When each of us makes small, eco-friendly choices, it adds up to a massive positive impact on the planet. Imagine the difference if all 8 billion people took steps to reduce their carbon fingerprint!
Together, we can create a greener, healthier world.

Support us on the mission of making greener fingerprints to our planet and its living species on it.
Everybody. Everyday. Everywhere. It counts!